So I had to reinstall everything from scratch. Fortunately I was able to recover most of our files but I expect that it will take me another month before everything's working the way it was working before.
There wasn't very much to post about anyway. It's been hot, and dry for several weeks. I'm running water somewhere in the garden almost every day trying to keep up. It's the time of the summer when things get a little bigger every week but nothing interesting happens. The spring fruits and vegetables are done and now we're just waiting for something to be ready in the fall.
Nothing interesting happened until today.

Today, at work, I noticed a couple of Japanese Beetles flying around. I made a mental note to check my grapes when I got home. I forgot the note. This evening, My wife mentioned that her roses were covered with beetles. So I went out to see and sure enough so were my grapes. I had this problem a couple of years ago, it only lasts a few days but these bugs can eat a grape vine bare in that time.

I sprayed some pyrethrin which knocks bugs down fast and some sevin which sticks around for a while. Hopefully they'll all be dead soon. They've already eaten lots of leaves down to the skeleton in just a day.

Japanese Beetles are immigrants to the us accidentally imported from Japan 90 years ago . They do a lot of damage but they will do jobs that American bugs won't do.
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