"Gardening is Stupid."
Yesterday, I pulled some of the onions. I chopped up about a dozen and put them into zip-lock bags and stuck them in the freezer. My eyes hurt so bad from the chopping that I couldn't see through the tears and had to feel my way to the bath room to rinse out my eyeballs with water twice so I could continue chopping.

Today, almost 24 hours later, the kitchen still smells like onions, the fridge smells like onions, The smell in the freezer is overwhelming, and my hands still smell like onions.
And what do I have to show for my trouble? Onions! If all this work resulted in a lasagna dinner with cheesecake it wouldn't have been worth it but I don't have lasagna or cheesecake, I have stinky little bits of onion.
I could have bought onions at the supermarket in stink-proof plastic bags that would not have made me cry. The amount of work I have to do to earn enough money to buy good chopped onions would have been less time than I had to work to end up with these crappy chopped onions.
This leads me to gardening trusim #2:
"Anything you grow yourself will be crappier than anything you can buy in the supermarket."
I bet your onions are tastier than the ones in the supermarket.
I never thought to freeze onions. When they defrost are they the same or has the texture changed? Anyway, to get the smell off of your hands, rub your hands on some metal, like the faucet.
You know you could wear your gas mask next time you chop onions. We all know you have one!
All we ever do with onions is fry them up to put them in something else. I've never noticed a difference between frozen and fresh once they're cooked. Fresh in a salad, they'd be a little soggy.
And your gas mask idea is excellent. I'll just wear it whenever I open the fridge from now on.
Mr. Gardener,
I can tell the taste difference between onions and the ones in your blog photo are very yummy in a stir fry or a summer ragot. Young onions are great raw in potato salad. Cutting with a dull blade will make your eyes tear more. Also use lemon juice on your hands to get the smell out
I laughed so hard at this post that the dog looked at me funny. I had the picture most vividly in my mind.
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