Friday, April 11, 2008

Eat Your Peas

I know it's spring because plants are starting to sprout. The peas I planted on March 25th and 30th are staring to pop up. I saw the first one on Wednesday and about half the seeds were up this evening. Only 51 days till we have real peas. I can't wait to push these things to the side as I eat my dinner. Having peas with dinner is like going out to meet girls and taking your ugliest friend along. You bring the peas to make the rest of the food look eatable. I believe God was very clear with his intentions concerning peas when he failed to make them out of meat.

Peas, Punishment Food

The two peach trees have already peaked and are starting to drop petals. The Pears are just getting ready to bloom. Last year, I had a total of three pear flowers but no pears. This year, the two trees are completely covered with flower buds. I mean hundreds. I know you aren't supposed to count your pears before they hatch but it's looking good so far.

A tasty mouth-watering peach.

A Fruit Basket full of Bosc Pears

Everything in the Garden/orchard/fruit rows got fertilizer this evening. I bought a cheap bag of low quality fertilizer last year. Fertilizer is sold using 3 numbers that tell you how much actual nutrient is in the stuff. A typical formulation would be 20-20-20 which is 20% Nitrogen, 20% Phosphorous, and 20% Potassium. I bought a mix of 6-0-2. I actually bought it because I wanted something with lots of Iron and this stuff had Iron but as fertilizer it's pretty light.

So I dumped cup fulls of this stuff all around. Each tree got probably 5 lbs of fertilizer, the grapes, berries, asparagus, and everything else is growing out of a mound of fertilizer. If this was the good stuff, that much fertilizer would burn the plants and probably kill them but I think I'll be okay.

Remember the walking stick cabbage I planted in baby food containers? Well I did, and they're sprouting too. I'll soon have 8' tall cabbage-topped walking sticks to take on all my walks.

(Soon to Be) Giant Walking Stick Cabbage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had peas that were really great. Once. In a restaurant.