Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Almost Froze to Death Last Night

Last night there was a frost weather advisory for our area. The overnight temperature was supposed to be in the low 30's and a freeze was possible. The National Weather Service warned gardeners to cover anything that could be damaged by frost.

I've still got pear blossoms, apple blossoms, and lettuce, spinach, carrot, broccoli, and celery in the garden. Most of these vegetables are pretty cold hardy but the flowers on the fruit trees could be damaged. Something gets me every year so I figured this was probably the thing.

I had to get into work early this morning for a super secret project I'm working on so I left the house around The temperature was 40ยบ. The temperature rose slowly until the sun came up. We never had a frost.

I'm proud of that because I feel I had a part in protecting all of the gardens in my area. Thanks to the enormous carbon footprint I've endeavored to leave on the earth, I was able to do my part to thwart a damaging late spring freeze. I'm skeptical about global warming but if it turns out to be something, I want to do my part to usher in the new era of longer growing seasons, expanded crop land, and fewer icy highway fatalities.

Everyone wants to leave a legacy, some monument for mankind to remember that we were here, that we mattered. My legacy will be my footprint on the enormous carbon footprint.

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